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The Balance Community Pond
A 15 minute walk from Stables Studios takes you to the big pond. Through the woods you go, not knowing quite what to expect, and...
The Tale of the Floating Log
This year at Breathe, I had the privilege of helping rig the Peak-to-Peak Slackline Park. The vision for this slackline park in the...
Breathe 2017: Arriving
Here you are free to Breathe, to truly take in life and love and laughter with each inhale and let go of the drama's and expectations wi
Breathe: A very personal reflection on the festival that changed my life
This year's Breathe festival was the first for Alyssa Johnson. Her reflection on Breathe beautifully & tearfully unravels a perspective i...
Rocky Mountain Slackline changed my life forever...
Around 5 years ago at the age of 28 i stumbled across slacklining. My discovery of the slackline ushered in a staggering shift in my...
Breathe Festival 2015: A Quick Reflection
Gabe has been instrumental in all facets of Breathe. In February of 2016 he posted an article on the Slackline U.S.'s website about his...
Memories from Breathe: A Slacklining and Discovery Festival
After Heather and Will's first experience at Breathe Year 2 Heather posted a reflection about her experiences for the Indiana Yoga...
Breathe: A Slacklining Pilgrimage
Alice's blog Green Tinted Glasses gives a first hand account of Alice's experience at year 1 of Breathe. We are grateful beyond words for...
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